


Nightshade NG Screenshots

Note: Some of these screenshots show off software features using data sets which are not packaged with Nightshade NG.

earth-clouds.jpg (267 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:42 PM

constellations.jpg (397 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:42 PM

inca.jpg (261 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:43 PM

pbr.jpg (143 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:43 PM

rainier.jpg (69.2 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:43 PM

saturation-a.jpg (189 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:43 PM

saturn-2.jpg (217 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:43 PM

shadows.jpg (171 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:43 PM

startrail.jpg (373 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:43 PM

timelapse-5.jpg (229 KB) Rob Spearman, 01/30/2016 02:43 PM